

North West England District: Updates


Dear Friends


Further information and releases to share with you all, and hope that you will please circulate these widely in your Circuits and Churches. Please feel free to print and share them with others.


Launch Event further information - Saturday 31st August 2024

Bookings still open! Attached is a poster with details, or please click the link below:

North West England District - Launch Event at The Victoria Hall, Bolton event tickets from TicketSource Please book your tickets in advance.

This event is an opportunity to celebrate as five districts become one, to form the North West England District. Starting at 2.30pm, the event will include the welcome service for Rev. Dr. James Tebbutt, District Chair, and will also welcome the wider District Team. The President of Conference will be preaching, along with the Vice-President and Secretary of Conference in attendance.

To be held at Victoria Hall, Knowsley Street, Bolton, BL1 2AS. A flyer is attached for circulation. 


Please also find attached, details for car parks, train/bus information and information if arriving by coach/minibus. 


The link for livestream is - https://youtube.com/live/Tx9mpv6F48Y

Closer to the time, the order of service will be available to download, for those on the livestream. 


There will be a retiring collection towards the work of All We Can. More details will be circulated about how you can also donate online. 


Refreshments will be served after the service and you are all invited to stay. 


Jeremiah 29:11, says: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

We give thanks for the plans that God has for us in this new District!


Equip Series Recordings 


The recordings of all 6 sessions are now available to watch: 

Sixth session - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xb278Rkzy7I

Fifth session - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22L7Xo433Ts 

Fourth session  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzQbdfQRjio

Third session - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLeKaSeTbc8

Second session - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMrPj_F8hZw

First session - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dANf2e2mX0I


Thank you to all those who participated in attending and sharing updates. 


Meet the Team:


Rev Dr James Tebbutt - District Chair

In this video Tori Allen interviews Rev Dr James Tebbutt, District Chair of the North West England District. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLnRNxKjGq4 


Rev Phil Gough - District Secretary of Ministries and Vocations

In this video Tori Allen interviews Rev Phil Gough, District Secretary of Ministries and Vocations of the North West England District. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g43r4J22Xb0  


Ms Heather Fergusson - District Secretary for Administration and Compliance

The Regional Review Group is pleased to announce that, following advertisement and interview, Ms Heather Fergusson has been appointed as the District Secretary for Administration and Compliance in the merged North West England District of the Methodist Church from 1st September 2024.  This is one of the three most senior leadership roles in the new District.  Heather is based in the North West and has a professional background in Local Authority management, before in recent years working as Head of Projects (Strategy and Delivery) for a high performing Multi-Academy Trust that operates a diverse network of primary and secondary schools.


The Revd Dr James Tebbutt, Nominated Chair of the North West England District, said: “I am delighted that Heather is joining the new District: she brings a wealth of interpersonal and administrative skills, and leadership experience of several areas for which she will have responsibility in the new District structure.  Heather offers a vocational understanding and commitment to the purposes and values of the new District, and we very much look forward to working with her in encouraging and guiding the new District.”


Heather responded to her appointment by saying:  “I am honoured to have been chosen for this role.  Under God's direction, I am looking forward to using my skills and knowledge to help lead the new District in a transformative and collaborative way.”  A video conversation introducing Heather will be available in due course.


District Safeguarding Officers

Please see attached document regarding two new District Safeguarding Officer appointments. 

Mission Area Leads (MALs)


Learning Network

Kristie Eve explains how the Learning Network will operate as our new District comes into being. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maaKaVre9xM


Infographic - Attached is a new Infographic which gives a explanation of the hubs and mission areas within the North West England District.


Facebook: The North West England District is now on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/nwedmethodists/ and many posts and stories are now being shared! 

Please do take a look, like it, follow it, and ask churches and circuits to include in their own church Facebook pages. Thank you. 

Do you have a story of mission happening in your context? We would love to hear from you! Let us know about it at [email protected]


Expressions of Interest - still being received if you feel able to offer in some way. Please click here to go the vacancies page for the expression of interest forms and further details for the North West England District. 


If you have any queries or comments, please do email [email protected]



Jill Orrell

(On behalf of the Communications Subgroup)

[email protected]



North West England District