District Newsletter

District Newsletter – July 2024

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Welcome to the Bolton and Rochdale District Newsletter.

This edition includes details about events, dates for your diaries, training opportunities, vacancies, links and contacts.

If you have any information to share, please contact us so we can include in future editions.

Please share this newsletter around your churches, circuits and contacts.


Letter from Rev Ruth Jackson, Deputy Chair of District and Superintendent of the Rochdale & Littleborough Circuit


Dear Friend,


Time is God’s gift to us and each moment is precious. Yet, time is an interesting concept when we have deadlines to meet there never seems to be enough, but when we are waiting for a bus, it seems endless.

As we journey through life, we experience many changes, time passes and the years go by. We notice changes in ourselves, in society and changes in the way we live, often due to advancements in technology. Nothing remains the same as time passes.

We will experience change as a District from the 1st September as we become part of the North West England District, marking the launch of the new district with a service on 31st August at Victoria Hall, Bolton at 2.30 p.m.

Change can often be unsettling and create feelings of uncertainty, but change is a constant thing in our lives. As Bob Dylan says in a lyric in one of his songs, ‘The times they are a changin’.

Jesus knew all about change and gifted us his gift of peace to sustain us through the changing times of our lives. Jesus said ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.’ John 14:27

Jesus fills us with heavenly peace which sustains us and enables us to live our lives. The peace which stills out troubled hearts and minds and accompanies us through the times and seasons of life, no matter what changes we experience.

May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, remain with us always. Amen

Rev Ruth Jackson

Deputy Chair of District


The Methodist Conference took place in Leeds 27 June – 3 July  - please find attached the Conference Business Digest which we hope is helpful to you.




Dear Friends,

New Releases to share with you all, and hope that you will please circulate these widely in your Circuits and Churches. Please feel free to print and share them with others.


Appointment of a District Secretary for the North West England District of the Methodist Church

The Regional Review Group is pleased to announce that, following advertisement and interview, Ms Heather Fergusson has been appointed as the District Secretary for Administration and Compliance in the merged North West England District of the Methodist Church from 1st September 2024.  This is one of the three most senior leadership roles in the new District.  Heather is based in the North West and has a professional background in Local Authority management, before in recent years working as Head of Projects (Strategy and Delivery) for a high performing Multi-Academy Trust that operates a diverse network of primary and secondary schools.

The Revd Dr James Tebbutt, Nominated Chair of the North West England District, said: “I am delighted that Heather is joining the new District: she brings a wealth of interpersonal and administrative skills, and leadership experience of several areas for which she will have responsibility in the new District structure.  Heather offers a vocational understanding and commitment to the purposes and values of the new District, and we very much look forward to working with her in encouraging and guiding the new District.”

Heather responded to her appointment by saying:  “I am honoured to have been chosen for this role.  Under God's direction, I am looking forward to using my skills and knowledge to help lead the new District in a transformative and collaborative way.”  A video conversation introducing Heather will be available in due course.


NEW - Infographic - Attached is a new Infographic which gives a explanation of the North West England District. 


Equip Series - The recording of the fourth session is now available to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzQbdfQRjio


Mission Area Lead (MAL) video interviews:


(NEW VIDEO) Interview with Rev David Newlove: Cumbria Mission Area Lead - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvV1i1jddhk 

Interview with Rev Alan Bradley: Greater Manchester Plus Mission Area Lead - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMEJQwTxlz0

Interview with Rev Katie Smith: Greater Manchester Plus Mission Area Lead - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwFCQoLUgk4

Interview with Rev Sharon Read: Lancashire Mission Area Lead - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq6uqWGsYZ0&t=10s


Launch Event - Saturday 31st August 2024

Bookings now open! Attached is a revised poster with details, or please click the link below:

North West England District - Launch Event at The Victoria Hall, Bolton event tickets from TicketSource Please book your tickets in advance.

This event is an opportunity to celebrate as five districts become one, to form the North West England District. Starting at 2.30pm, the event will include the welcome service for Rev. Dr. James Tebbutt, our District Chair (subject to Methodist Conference), and will also welcome the wider District Team. The President of Conference will be preaching, along with the Vice-President and Secretary of Conference in attendance.

To be held at Victoria Hall, Knowsley Street, Bolton, BL1 2AS. A flyer is attached for circulation. This service will be livestreamed, and further details will be sent in due course.


Jeremiah 29:11, says: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

We give thanks for the plans that God has for us in this new District!


Reminder of the following:


1. Equip Series on Zoom - Our next session is on Tue 16th July 7:30pm start

Come along to these information evenings and be equipped as we move towards the launch of the North West England District. 

A flyer is attached for circulation.

The recording of the fourth session is now available to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzQbdfQRjio

(The recording of the third session is now available to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLeKaSeTbc8)

(The recording of the second session is still available to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMrPj_F8hZw)

(The recording of the first session is also still available to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dANf2e2mX0I)

These events will run on a monthly basis, and anyone is invited to attend any/all of these sessions. 

To Join: https://zoom.us/j/94658927054?pwd=ZmNKUGl3SWdIeXJsckZyZW5tT3MrZz09  (Meeting ID: 946 5892 7054 Passcode: 125750) 

To access via phone dial 0203 481 5237 or 0203 481 5240 and follow prompts

Our final Equip event will be on Wed 14 August 2024.

Perhaps you might wish to invite a representative from each circuit to join us. 

If you have any questions that you might wish to raise in advance of the sessions, please do email [email protected]


2. Facebook: The North West England District is now on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/nwedmethodists/ and the first few posts have already been posted! 

Please do take a look, like it, follow it, and ask churches and circuits to include in their own church Facebook pages. Thank you. 

Call to Action - Do you have a story of mission happening in your context? We would love to hear from you! Let us know about it at [email protected]


3. District number 1 - From September the North West England District will be District number 1. Circuits have been informed of their new Circuit number as these are being allocated alphabetically of all circuits in the new District.
4. Expressions of Interest - Please click here to go the vacancies page for the expression of interest forms for the North West England District. 


5. Video from James Tebbutt 

In this video Tori Allen interviews Rev Dr James Tebbutt, the nominated District Chair of the North West England District. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLnRNxKjGq4


6. Video from Phil Gough

In this video Tori Allen interviews Rev Phil Gough, the nominated District Secretary of Ministries and Vocations of the North West England District. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g43r4J22Xb0 


7. Autumn Synod for the NWE District - Saturday 14th September 2024

More details about this will come to DPC meetings and Spring Synods regarding the Constitution of the new Synod and the arrangements. 


If you have any queries or comments, please do email [email protected]



Jill Orrell

(On behalf of the Communications Subgroup)

[email protected]


For your diary - Save the Dates


Welcome services

Bolton Circuit - Robert Kasema - Tue 27th August 7:30pm at St.John's Horwich

Farnworth & Worsley Circuit - Stuart Smith - Sun 25th August 7:00pm at Christ Church, Little Lever

Wigan Circuit - Peter Powers - Sun 25th August 2:30pm at Queen's Hall




Cliff College

Old Testament in a Week – a course from Cliff College

Cliff College’s Old Testament in a Week course does exactly what it says on the tin – it covers the whole of the Old Testament in one week! Join us from 22-26 July 2024 to explore the narratives, poetry and prophets of the Old Testament, and to understand how these texts are relevant to our current contexts and the issues we face as churches and as wider society. This course is ideal for ministers, preachers and teachers, and for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Bible and its importance in 21st century life. More information is available on the Cliff College website.


Cliff College’s MA Theology and Mission programme, available from September 2024, equips students to explore missional theology and practice in depth, to inform and enhance their own engagement in the work of God’s Kingdom. Students can choose from a variety of units including biblical studies, chaplaincy, Methodist and Wesleyan identity and leadership, alongside core Missional Theology and Missional Theology in Practice units. The programme is approved by the University of Manchester.

This course can be studied either online or at the Cliff College campus, full-time or part-time. Bursaries and funding are available for those in lay and ordained ministry posts in the Methodist Church. Applications are now open: find out more and apply here.


Safeguarding Training - Have a look at the Events section of our website for more details and to register your place. District Events | Bolton and Rochdale Methodist District (barmd.org.uk)


Safeguarding Update

Please click here.


Dates for your diary: visit the District Website: www.barmd.org.uk



Methodist Women in Britain

A bumper edition of our summer newsletter for you today along with our prayer diary for June, July & August, and our period poverty poster - see the newsletter for further information.
We hope to see some of you at the Mary Bosanquet Lecture in Leeds next month.
A reminder to visit our website www.mwib.org.uk where you will find a new prayer for the week every Saturday plus our regular blogs from our CoChairs, Ruth & Maggie.
Enjoy the summer.
Bronwen Braisdell
Communications Officer


3Generate 2024 Updates

We have some updates to share about 3Generate 2024.


·Volunteering We’ve been celebrating everyone who is part of the team at 3Generate during Volunteers Week recently. There are some crucial roles that still need filling. Come and be a village host in the camping area, guide others around the event as a steward or support children and young people with additional needs. You can make a real difference by joining the team. Find out more about the range of roles on offer here:  https://vimeo.com/954311225?share=copy


·Mini 3Generate for 4-7 year olds Did you know that Mini 3Generate for 4 to 7 year olds now have a bigger and better venue at the event? Children in school years reception to year 2 are invited to join in on Saturday 5th October. There’s plenty to explore including a climbing wall, silent disco, storytelling and crafting with Forest Church. Find out more here: https://www.methodist.org.uk/for-churches/ministries/children-youth-family-ministry/events-including-3generate/3generate/attending-3generate-2024/4-to-7s-at-3gen/


Many thanks,

Felix Hanif-Banks (he/him)

Administrator, Children Youth & Families

Mobile: 07985334810

Methodist Church House, 25 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9SF   

methodist.org.uk | +44 (0) 20 7486 5502 | Registered Charity no. 1132208


Fund For Human Need

Dear Friend, 

Attached is the latest 2024 news.

Our thanks to Swansea Based EYST (Ethnic Youth Support Team) and their clients for their help with this issue. If there is any way you can safely circulate /forward copies of the newsletter or if you can pass on the details to any local news outlets (parish / circuit magazines etc.) please do so.

With thanks from us all for your continuing kind support.

Best Wishes

Gill and all at FHN

Mrs G Mason



Autumn & Advent performances from Springs Dance Company - Booking now, for your churches

At Springs Dance Company we have been bringing joy through dance and connecting churches to their communities for more than 45 years. This year we have two fantastic but very different performances available for churches to host.

A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance - an uplifting dance production.

Bring your community together to watch an intimate portrayal of grief and joy performed by five outstanding dancers.

“Last night was easily the best experience, the best performance, the best night. Stunning. Blown away. So grateful.”  Alan, audience member

Created after the pandemic and based on Ecclesiastes 3: There is a Time for Everything, the performance is ultimately a celebration of life, enabling viewers to reflect whilst the dancers sensitively explore the tension between grief and joy.

“…it is one of the strengths of the performance that it does not offer easy answers or a simplistic message, but relates to universal emotional experiences. That makes it incredibly powerful and accessible to people from any background. Thank you and well done - it was beautiful!"  Andrea, audience member

Springs Dance Company is inviting churches to book now to host a performance of A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance from September - October 2024.

Further information can be found on the Springs Dance Company website page: https://springsdancecompany.org.uk/productions/a-time-to-mourn-a-time-to-dance/, by emailing [email protected] or by calling 07775 628442. 


Journey of the Magi –  a much-loved, family-friendly, festive frolic with a profound message.

“Absolutely fabulous show. Wonderful mix of fun, wit, and meaning. It made me laugh and it made me cry all in a couple of minutes. (Hope you'll come back)"  Richard, Poynton Methodist Church

Share the joy and wonder of Christmas with your church and local community through this fast-paced, brilliantly witty yet poignant performance. The show offers a contemporary comparison between the journey the wise men took 2000 years ago and our own preparations in the run up to Christmas today. With sparkle, a soundtrack to keep toes tapping and awe-inspiring dance, Journey of the Magi delights audiences of all ages.

“The show was wonderful and it was such a thrill to have the hall buzzing - everyone was captivated. Inspired visual storytelling." Sue, Central Hall Methodist Church, Walsall 

“This event doubled our record church attendance. Our attendees really enjoyed it. Wonderful dance relating complex story concepts.”  Revd Brian, St Chad's Church, Coventry

Springs is inviting churches to host a performance of Journey of the Magi, which will be available from 22nd November - 22nd December 2024.

Further information can be found on the Springs Dance Company website page: https://springsdancecompany.org.uk/productions/journey-of-the-magi/, by emailing [email protected] or by calling 07775 628442.


The Methodist News

If you don’t already receive this you can subscribe online at:-



A Methodist Way of Life

A Methodist Way of Life commitment card is available online at www.methodistchurch.org.uk/MWoL. Many people are downloading and finding it useful.




Please click here to go the vacancies page for current vacancies for the North West England District


For employment and voluntary opportunities in the Methodist Church Connexionally: http://www.methodist.org.uk/about-us/connect/jobs-volunteering/



Advanced Module Training Dates – please visit the Events section of the District Website to book places on these training days. District Events | Bolton and Rochdale Methodist District (barmd.org.uk)

Policies and guidance – the most recent are now available on the Methodist Church website: https://www.methodist.org.uk/for-ministers-and-office-holders/safeguarding/policies-procedure-and-information/policies-and-guidance/

District Safeguarding Officer: Email address Helen Bolton - [email protected]

Update from Connexional Safeguarding Team:

Managing Trustees are advised that there are now 4 new data protection resources available to them on TMCP’s website:

1. Updated Document Retention Schedule for Managing Trustees - Updated Retention Schedule and other new Data Protection Resources – June 2021 –Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes (tmcp.org.uk)

2. The Annual Checklist in a shortened Word version.

3. Guest Wi-Fi Acceptable Use Policy - TMCP has been working with the Connexional team on producing an Acceptable Use Policy (Policy) for guests using Church Wi-Fi. This is available to download from the Safeguarding Forms section of the Methodist Church Website:

The Policy sets out the terms and conditions of the contract between the Managing Trustees and the guest using the Wi-Fi network.

The Policy should be displayed or be accessible to guest users by means of a prominent hyperlink before the user gains access to the Wi-Fi network.

The Policy must be available in a way that allows the user to store and reproduce it. You could do this by encouraging users to print the Policy/ the terms and conditions.

4. Zoom Guidance - New guidance has been produced by the Connexional Team as part of the Digital Communication Guidance for Churches. From a data protection perspective, please bear in mind the implications particularly with regard to recording Zoom sessions, deleting those recordings and locking the meeting to guard against “Zoom Bombing”: How to use Zoom safely and with integrity


GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on 25th May 2018. Training and resources from TMCP are fine tuned for The Methodist Church context: https://www.tmcp.org.uk/about/data-protection




North West England District