District Advance Fund Grant Applications
The District Grants Committee meets prior to the District Policy Committee, to whom they recommend suitable applications for grants.
If possible, the application should be with the District Grants Officer, Dr Elspeth Brighton, 4 weeks prior to the meeting of the Committee.
Applications can be submitted electronically to the District Grants Officer (contact details in application pack)
Grants cover all aspects of discipleship from property to staffing and including resourcing discipleship and mission in any way. It is worth contacting the Grants Officer about any possible application-large or small.
During the period of the grant, an annual interim report is requested, and a final report is required on completion of the grant period / project.
Angels' Den Grant Applications
In addition to the usual process for District grant applications, a new, faster, small grants scheme has been introduced.
Every church, circuit and church school in the Bolton and Rochdale District can apply for a one-off District grant of £500 to encourage the growth and flourishing of local mission.
To apply
- Read the criteria (attached)
- Complete the short application form (attached)
- Get your application approved by your Circuit Superintendent or agreed Circuit representative.
- Send it to Dr Elspeth Brighton, the District Grants Officer: [email protected]
The grants committee will either approve your application by email or, if they want to know more about it, invite you to a Zoom meeting where you can present your application and receive an immediate response.
If you need more information, or would like some help with your application, you can contact Elspeth, or the Grants Committee Chair, Kathy Selby: [email protected]
Training Grants - for Presbyters and Deacons
Training Grants - for Lay Employees
The Joseph Rank Trust and Methodism
You will find the detail on how applications can be made on this webpage:
Important note: All applications must be submitted via the Synod Secretary.
Benefacttrust -
Christian Funders Forum -